Tennis and Multipurpose Courts

Please see Attachment 10 (Tennis and Multipurpose Courts) in the Raintree Rules and Regulations for all information.

All persons use the tennis courts and recreational facilities at their own risk. The Association assumes no responsibility for any accident in connection with the use of the tennis court, pool and recreational facilities or for any loss or damage to personal property. Also, residents will be responsible for the actions of their children and guest.

  1. Courts are intended for use by Raintree Community Association members only. Guests must be accompanied by a member.
  2. The recreation area is available during daylight hours only.
  3. No glass containers are permitted on the courts at any time.
  4. Climbing the fence is not permitted.
  5. Please help to keep the courts clean by taking all trash away with you.

Multipurpose Court

  1. The rear courts have been made available for street hockey, inline skating, skateboarding, etc.  The front courts are reserved for tennis ONLY.
  2. No equipment is to be left in the courts unattended.

Tennis Courts
The courts are locked and the code is available for Raintree Community Association members only. Please request the tennis court code from the management office using the online form here. 

  1. Only those playing tennis are permitted on the tennis court.
  2. No children under the age of 12 may use the tennis court, unless accompanied by an adult.
  3. Playing time is limited to one (1) hour if others are waiting.
  4. Sneakers are the only acceptable footwear permitted.
  5. No animals or other objects are permitted on the tennis courts, such as bikes, baseballs, street hockey sticks, roller skates/blades, skateboards, etc.

Any Association member, including their children or guests, found in violation of the Tennis and Multipurpose Court rules will be fined.