Association fees are due on the first of each month. Late fees are incurred if payment is not received in a timely manner. All homeowners receive information from CAMCO Management with your account information and details on how to set up payments. You will also receive a new coupon book for each calendar year if you are paying by check.
There are three ways to pay:
1) By Check
Payments are mailed to:
Raintree Community Association
P.O. Box 11995
Newark, NJ 07101-4986
Your account number must be included on the payment. Your account number can be found in your welcome packet. If you need a new welcome packet, please contact Julia Robbins, Director & Manager, at
2) Set up ACH Auto Draft. Complete the ACH Form and email to to set up ACH Auto Draft.
3) Credit Card and online payment options are available through our homeowner’s portal.